الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

كيف تعرف ان حساب الفيس بوك مراقب من امن الدولة او اى جهة اخري

اتمني ان تترك لنا تعليق حضرتك وان تدعمنا بـ like أو share

طريقة عمل روت

طريقة عمل الروت 

في هذا الفيديو سنشرح كيفية عمل روت لهاتف اندرويد 

اتمني ان تترك لنا تعليق حضرتك وان تدعمنا بـ like أو share

How to obtain the 5000 a friend

How to obtain the 5000 a friend

You are logged in to Facebook, I mean, that you are a personal and social be personal social, this means that you would be that you have thousands of friends يتفاعلو with you it seems their views on each of your posts .Indeed it is nice to find hundreds of  likes  on each of your posts and many of the comments and reviews . But how can you have thousands of friends? Do you traditional way will bring you to 5000 a friend? Of course, not This will explain to you in this exclusive التدوينة how to collect 5 thousands of friend one push button    The commentary ::  Before the beginning of the explanation I advise you to try this method on account associated with a phone number so that the locking your account
That did not have the account associated with a phone number فانصحك that try this way at the expense of not much interest in
Note: repeat this way more than once had the locking your account provisional identity assertion by photos
 First Step:  you must go to the site mass-add
 Step 2 Press the login with Facebook   > New window press "OK" 


Step 3 Now select the nature of the Friends to be added                           You can select the number of friends, sex, place of residence, language    


Step 4: Press the it does
Step 5: you will find below the list of the many I perform copying  


Step 6: press here invite friends
Step 7: will show you the rectangular window I paste in the rectangle I and type a letter   II 


  wait a little bit and will start you receive notifications to approve the requests for friendship

اتمني ان تترك لنا تعليق حضرتك وان تدعمنا بـ like أو share

تجارة الكترونية - متجر الكتروني

فكرة الدروب شيبينج هي نموذج تجاري يتيح للمتاجر الإلكترونية بيع المنتجات دون الحاجة إلى الحفاظ على المخزون أو إجراء عمليات الشحن والتسليم بأن...